You can make a difference. Your generous contribution or participation in our events will help the ALC JOAD inc. grow and promote archery through the Hornet National Team Experience and basic level J.O.A.D. Archery. ALC JOAD Inc is a 501C3 Non Profit so your direct donations are tax deductible.



Your donation allows us to grow archery and introduce kids to top level archery and enjoy archery around the world. Team Hornet is comprised of a fantastic group of top archery athletes who compete on a world level. Help ALC JOAD grow these kids into the worlds next top professionals and olympic athletes

Donate to the Hornets

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about our shoots. There's no better way to grow archery in Georgia than to become an active archery advocate yourself. Join our group and make an impact! We need organizers, cooks, coaches, chaperones, and tournament volunteers. 

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