The Art of BowTuning
Sponsored by, Last Chance Archery
Learn bow repair and tuning
GRIV will teach you how to use all the most modern tools to do basic bow setup and some more advanced tuning techniques. We will take apart and set up your bow so you will know how everything works and how to keep it shooting its best. You'll learn how compounds work and understand the different cam styles, tools overviews and safety, Basic setup, understanding proper bow fit, Paper Tuning, disassembly and service, string repair, arrow selection, and arrow building. All this while using premium Last Chance Archery Tools.
Dates, Times, and registration coming soon!
You’ll want to have at least basic to intermediate skill with your bow and be in total control of your equipment. This is not a beginner startup class. It is for beginning to learn tuning. It’s recommended that you are fully versed in shooting the bow before you learn the tuning part.
Class objectives
By the time the class is complete. You’ll be able to setup and tune your bow. You’ll understand how it functions and will be able to keep it and other associated gear in perfect working order for greatest accuracy. Each participant will stand at a fully rigged bow tech station with all the tools you need for the class. After the class we will link you to Last Chance Archery’s Page where you can buy the full kit or separate pieces for your own home shop.
What you need
it’s best if you have your own bow you can break down and set up. We do have a few sample bows you can borrow to work on, but it’s better if you have your own. You will want to have all the parts you need for a full bow setup. Peep sight, arrow rest, arrows, stabilizers, quivers, releases, etc. The goal is to have you completely set your self up and be ready to shoot when you are done with the class.
The instructor
George “GRIV” Ryals has spent a lifetime in archery and has worked on compound bows since the early beginnings of compound archery. His expertise in product design, Coaching, and Professional archery is unmatched. Most of all his easy going teaching style makes everything feel simple and easy to understand. You will get far more than you think from a weekend workshop with George. Join him for this new Tuning class.
Some pre-game for your class
Search “thing a week” on YouTube for years worth of teaching videos. GRIV goes through shooting form, tuning, mental game, etc. This will give you a good insight into how he teaches. There’s tons of valuable information there you can get started today and be even more ready for the class.